Pelican Development

Pelican Development providing a good and secure key system, Anime Website, Whitelist System, Forum, and more soon!.

Our main Features

Our primary offering, the Authentication Key System, encompasses numerous features that set it apart.

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We offering a dashboard for our members that includes statistics, managing keys and full customizeable settings.

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Our Authentication Key system service providing a good and secured serverside. We usually do a pentesting first before launching the new update publicly and fixing most of the vulnerabilities so its harder for hackers to do bypass serversided.

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Our key system service is a versatile and efficient solution that empowers users to monetize their content and generate revenue through various methods. By supporting multiple link shorteners, including LootLabs, Boostellar, Linkvertise, Work Ink, ShrinkEarn, and much more, our service offers users the flexibility to choose the platform that best suits their needs.

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Our key system service provides real-time statistics and analytics, allowing users to monitor their users, active key rates, and audience engagement. These insights help users make informed decisions to improve their monetization

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24/7 Support

Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist users with any queries or issues they may encounter. We aim to provide timely and effective support to ensure a smooth and satisfying experience for all our users.

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Customizable Checkpoints

The system allows users to set custom checkpoints for their monetization campaigns. Users can define the number of checkpoints their audience needs to pass before accessing certain content, ensuring a fair and rewarding experience for both content creators and users.

Get started for free

Let's collaborate with us and get the best experience with our service. Don't worry, our service is totally free, and we will never charge you for anything.